Some computer things...

If you want to start the TimesTablesTeacher by yourself, look for the ladybird picture on the computer screen, and double-click it. This will start the program-:

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If you can't find the ladybird picture, then go to the "Start menu" on your computer and find the TimesTablesTeacher. If you don't know how to do this, then ask someone to help you.

If you want to do something else on the computer while the TimesTablesTeacher program is running, you can "minimize" its window. Just click the small "line" button on the top right of the screen-:

TimesTablesTeacher Help

When you want to come back to the TimesTablesTeacher, click it on the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen. It will then start up again just as you left it.

If you can't hear the teacher even when the Voice is "On", then ask someone to help you. They may need to set up the computer sound for you.

TimesTablesTeacher Help
TimesTablesTeacher Help
TimesTablesTeacher Help

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